Sunday, October 21, 2012

Stone House - Fafe, Portugal

Casa do Penedo, aka Flintstones House, aka Stone House.

Located on Serra de Fafe (Fafe mountain), Portugal. Built in the spring of 1972, its walls were built amongst the giant boulders that scatter the mountain tops.

The house is entirely constructed of stone, with the exception of the windows,  doors & chimney pipe. The windows are triple-paned & bullet-proof, the door is steal reinforced.

Inside, the furniture, stairs and handrails made of eucalyptus trunks complete the rustic look. The sofa weighs 350 pounds, as is done in concrete and eucalyptus wood.

Surrounded by EDP wind turbines and a dirt road, the resident has a main house, along with a woodshed which acts a water source by collecting rain water from its roof.